PS4 Games - Red Dead Redemption 2 Review 2018

Red Dead Redemption too is a game about consequences with the illusion of choice yes there are some decisions to be made and those decisions will shape your character in the world around you. but some of the game's most disastrous choices were made before it even begins leaving you to deal with the fallout and because it's a prequel to Red Dead Redemption you also probably know how the story ends.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Review

all that's left is discovering what happens in between and making the most of it to that end you fight against cyclical missions, frequent moral dilemmas, and the inconvenience of doing what's right. for the most part the frustration that can cause is also what makes the story impactful, and when it all comes together the effort is not wasted we have all made mistakes over the years.

At the beginning of Red Dead Redemption to the Van Der Linde gang is already on the decline we know is coming after a heist gone wrong in Blackwater, they're on the run down a few members and on the verge of capture starvation, or succumbing to a snow storm there are familiar faces.
well in its integration with the story and the missions also acquaint you with the characters and the surrounding area, for example the fishing tutorial has you taking John's young son Jack out for the day since his father is not great at fatherhood jack is pure, sweet and incredibly vulnerable to all the gangs.

The mission is memorable for it, there are also elements of semi realism you have to contend with, but they're not always as successfully woven into the story you need to eat to refill your health, stamina and dead eye core,s and eating too much or too little results in weight changes and various consequences eating itself. You can buy this game using free psn code here :

Isn't a problem but eating enough to maintain an average weight is intrusive and not worth offsetting the hit you'll take to your stats, you don't have to sleep and surviving hot or cold temperatures comes down to choosing the right outfit from your item.

Wheel so weight maintenance sticks out is superfluous there's next to no fast travel at the beginning and your options are limited in general so you have to rely on your horse to get around it can be slow but there's no shortage of things to do, and see on the way Janssen counters are plentiful.

You might find a stranger in need of a ride to town or a snakebite victim who needs someone to suck the venom out of their wound you can stumble upon a grotesque murder scene that sets you entirely off-track or you can see someone in danger, and just keep writing and just as you can decide to rob or kill. most anyone you'll also run into people who will do the same to you even the longest rides aren't wasted time and it's hard not to feel like you're missing something if you do take a shortcut.

Red Dead Redemption 2 version of America is wide open stretching from snowy mountains in the Great Plains down to the original games new austin in the southwest, further to the east is the Louisiana. inspired deep south which is still feeling the effects of the civil war after nearly 40 years, there's a distinct shift going from region to region as grassy hillsides become alligator.

Here video review I found on youtube :


Filled swamps Union veterans give way to angry Confederate holdouts and good intentions and casual racism turn into desperation and outright bigotry the world both reacts to you and changes independently of your involvement buildings will go up as time goes on, and some of the people you talk to you will remember you for better or worse incidental moments.